캐나다 토론토 (5)

>> My name is Michael Bladen, and I went to Korea with the Royal Canadian Navy. I was there from 1954 until 1955, and basically, our job was to patrol up and down the coast to make sure that nothing was going, nobody was intruding on ROK land or sea area, and one of our major things that we did was to take clothing and provisions to the islands that were isolated by the Korean War. So that was a large part of what we did, and we used to darken ship and patrol every night, and essentially during the day, we were there 2 weeks at a time, and then 2 weeks we would go into rehab in Hong Kong or Japan, any one of those places, and then back in for 2 more weeks, so it was each time. And then that essentially was what our job was.

>> So you’re telling me that you were in Korea after the armistice?

>> After the armistice, that’s correct.

>> Not a lot of …

>> They were still fighting in early part of the ’54 though.

>> Not a lot of people know that.

>> Not a great deal, but it was sort of back-and-forth skirmishes but …